You may be familiar with the letter sent to law school deans about the hiring of those involved in anti-Jewish activities. Here is a link to that letter. Below is a letter for rabbis that you may use to send to lawyers in your community to encourage them to endorse and adopt this policy.

In the aftermath of the sadistic brutal attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel on October 7, Israel has determined that it has no alternative but to eliminate the genocidal Hamas control of Gaza. As we view the effort to do so, we are witnessing in real time the devastation in Gaza that is the result of the military campaign by Israel which, it must never be forgotten, is a response, not a retaliation, not a revenge, but an effort to get rid of the ongoing threat posed by Hamas. The most recent horrific attack launched by Hamas, the most lethal one, is by no means the first attack on innocent civilians in Israel. It is also important to realize that there was no such news coverage and hourly updates of the 500,000 killed in Syria, the 70,000 who were killed in the war in Afghanistan, the over 80,000 in the war against ISIS, and so on.

This is significant, because the demonstrations on college campuses and postings by college students single out and demonize Israel in a way which is not done to any other country or in any other conflict. A well-financed campaign is taking place to demonize and ostracize Israel for the necessary steps it is taking for its self-defense and to protect its people from further attacks. As we all know, Hamas embeds its weapons and rocket launchers in civilian areas and schools, and that it hides among civilians in the sick hope that the deaths of Palestinians will help their cause. It does all this while its leaders hide in well-protected tunnels or in luxurious living quarters far from the bombed areas.

In response to those who have taken up the anti-Zionist anti-Semitic cause and support Hamas, I share with you a letter that has been signed by a number of law firms to deans of law schools calling out those who are engaged in blatant anti-Semitic activity and postings. They have gone on record as saying that they will not hire those who are engaged in hateful anti-Semitic actions and demonstrations.

Please click HERE to see the letter and the firms who have signed the pledge. If your firm has not yet signed, please consider taking it to your governing committee and joining those taking a stand against anti-Semitism.

I also encourage you to let your alma mater know how you feel about anti-Semitism and the threats and intimidation Jewish students are experiencing on college campuses.