
Rabbis As Witnesses

  Rabbis who have recently returned from solidarity missions to Israel share what they witnessed, including inspiring sermon-worthy stories of resilience and determination, along with practical tips on planning a...

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Grappling with Israel’s Political Crisis with Haviv Gur

Exclusive conversation with Haviv Gur, followed by a conversation among rabbis about how we can respond and lead in the current crisis. https://youtu.be/fDD4x_LayP8 Sponsored by the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, a grass-roots, broad-based multi-denominational coalition...

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Anna Borshchevskaya on Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

Conversation with Anna Borshchevskaya, the Washington Institute’s expert on Ukraine, held on March 17, 2022. Sponsored by the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, a grass-roots, broad-based multi-denominational coalition of rabbis committed to promoting Jewish unity....

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2021 High Holiday Sermon Seminar

2021 High Holiday Sermon Seminar

"How to Speak about Israel", a High Holiday Sermon Seminar. featuring authors Yossi Klein Halevi and Rabbi Avi Weiss, on Tuesday, July 27, 2021. https://youtu.be/4LaoiG31Ipw Greetings and Reflections from Nahman Shai, Israel’s Minister of Diaspora Affairs....

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As Bombs Are Falling, What Do We Need from Our Fellow Jews

On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition sponsored "What Rabbis Need to Know about What is Happening in Israel, and How we Got Here", an Emergency Briefing with Michael Oren, Former Ambassador of Israel to the United States. This webinar is one in a...

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How to Empower Young Jews to Respond to Jew Hatred

On Tuesday, February 9, 2021, the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition sponsored a conversation with Brooke Goldstein, Executive Director of The Lawfare Project, an American, nonprofit, think tank and litigation fund that works to protect the human and civil rights of Jewish...

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How to Convert an Anti-Semite to stop Hating Us

On Tuesday, July 28, 2020, the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition sponsored a conversation with Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center: What do you say to an Anti-Semite? This webinar is one in a series sponsored by the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition and is part of...

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“We can love and support Israel even if we disagree about the particulars of policy and current events.”

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt

Congregation B'nai Tzedek

Why Join the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition?

Many rabbis are reluctant or feel intimidated to express their love of Israel. While some rabbis have tried to articulate a Judaism that is separate from Israel, we believe that Israel is an intrinsic part of the American Jewish identity.

By joining the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition you can support Israel with other like-minded rabbinic leaders, access trusted resources, and be empowered to foster a love for Israel for generations to come.