Over 30 rabbis of all denominations attended – with some traveling from as far as Canada, Florida and Texas — the one day seminar in New York sponsored by the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, the collective voice of Zionist rabbis.

The rabbis studied text with Dr. Erica Brown, got an update from Israel’s Deputy Consul General to NY, Zac Saar and heard from Israel’s Special Envoy combatting Anti-Semitism, Michal Cotler-Wunsh.  They also shared ideas and thoughts about how to approach the coming High Holidays.  The day concluded with a moving service led by Rabbi Menachem Creditor honoring the victims of 10-7.

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt, Chairman of the ZRC opened the seminar and urged colleagues to embrace the role of the sermon to educate, inform, inspire and uplift our congregants – to make them feel good about being a part of the Jewish people and to share information not generally reported in the media.  In light of the anti-Israel demonstrations so heavily reported on by the media, the High Holiday present an opportunity and obligation to “seize the moment and change the narrative.”  He explained that speaking on behalf of Israel should not be considered political, for it is an essential element of our identity as Jews.  Rabbi Weinblatt said, “Our critiques of Israel dare not be louder than our expressions of love.”

Michal Cotler-Wunsh
Israel’s Envoy Combatting Antisemitism explained that the current rise in antisemitism is actually the norm, and that the period of stability and lack of antisemitism of the last few decades was an anomaly. 

She also pointed out he absurdity that after six hostages were killed by Hamas pressure was put on Israel to make more concessions instead of there being consequences for Hamas.  As a lawyer of international law, she says that every single second they are held is a standing violation of international law & human rights.

The barbaric attack of 10-7 was scheduled to deliberately coincide with Simchat Torah, to desecrate the day when we celebrate the sacred text which has bound us together and held us together for over 2,000 years.

The Hamas massacre constitutes war crimes.  It was an attack not just on Israel, but on civilization.  The people of Israel will carry with them the trauma of what happened for some time.  One of the things that Jews in the Diaspora can do is to support the efforts of the organizations in Israel working to alleviate the emotional and psychological stress.

Dr. Erica Brown taught the rabbis a text about Moses leading the people in battle against Amalek and the role of Aaron and Hur holding his hands as a paradigm of leadership in a time of great challenge.

In addition to open-discussions among the rabbis of these and other issues for this unique High Holiday season, the day concluded with a moving memorial service led by Rabbi Menachem Creditor with prayers for the hostages still being held by Hamas, for the safety of the Israel Defense Forces and in memory of those who have been murdered by Hamas.

For More Information, Contact:
Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt