In the light of the Chanukah candles that illuminates the homes of the Jewish people, and that place on a pedestal Your providence in the world, and the courage and heroism of the Hasmoneans, and that recall the salvation and victory that occurred on these days.
We have come to beseech and implore You to illuminate all those who are still in darkness:
To all the hostages in the tunnels of darkness and yearning for deliverance and return home. To all their families and all who care for them and wish them well, whose worlds are filled with shadows. To all the uprooted from their homes whose hearts and homes are dark. To all the bereaved whose worlds are darkened. And to all the victims wounded in mind and body.
Please fill Your world with light and fulfill through us the verse, or chadsh al tziyon ta’ir venizke kolnu mehara le’oro. (May you shine a new light on Zion, and may we all merit its light).