In a November 18, 2022 article in a nationally syndicated column by Jonathan Tobin entitled, “Israel’s Coalition Shouldn’t Write off American Jewry,” he recognizes the importance of the work of the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition.

He wrote:

… as much as the battle for the hearts and minds of non-Orthodox Jewry can seem lost at times, conceding the notion that up to 90 percent of North American Jews can be just written off would do enormous damage to the battle to defend Zionism… relying entirely on (Christian Zionists) or on the minority of American Jews who are Orthodox, ignores a vast reserve of people who are, or who might be, persuaded to back Zionism.  It wasn’t that long ago that Conservative and Reform Jewry were bastions of pro-Israel sentiment. That has changed in recent decades, with evidence mounting that even many rabbis are adopting fashionable liberal stands according to which Israel is an illegal occupier and human-rights abuser.

That 90 students at the Reform and Conservative rabbinical seminaries signed an outrageous letter taking sides against Israel in the spring of 2021, when the Jewish state was under assault from thousands of rockets and missiles launched by terrorists in Gaza, was a seminal moment. Against this travesty, a movement of rabbis dedicated to reviving support for Israel has arisen. The Zionist Rabbinic Coalition faces an uphill fight against long odds. But it is clearly in Israel’s interest for the organization to succeed in pushing back against these toxic trends that are rooted in antisemitism and woke ideology.